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11th International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance and 3rd International Interscience Conference on Infection and Chemotherapy 2017 (ISAAR ICIC 2017)

  •   행사기간 2017-09-14 ~ 2017-09-16
  •   개최지 Busan, Korea
  •   주최 대한감염학회 (KSID, The Korean Society of Infectious Diseases), 아시아태평양감염재단 (APFID, Asia Pacific Foundation for Infectious Diseases)
  •   홈페이지 http://isaar-icic2017.org/index.htm?
  •   초록마감 2017-08-16
  •   첨부파일
  • 11th International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance and 3rd International Interscience Conference on Infection and Chemotherapy 2017 (ISAAR ICIC 2017)
  • 31.PNG

    On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the first joint meeting of ISAAR (International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance) & ICIC (International Interscience Conference on Infection and Chemotherapy) in Busan, Korea from September 14 to 16, 2017.

    Infectious disease threats have been continuously increasing not only because of new emerging infectious diseases such as Zika, MERS and Ebola but also because of perpetual emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) throughout the world. Given a rapid spread of AMR and emerging infections, effective international collaboration is crucial to combat these infectious disease issues.

    ISAAR is the most representative international meeting on antimicrobial resistance and infectious diseases in the Asia-Pacific region, which has been hosted by the Asia Pacific Foundation for Infectious Diseases (APFID) since 1997. ICIC has been hosted by the Korean Society of Infectious Diseases (KSID) and 11 domestic academic societies since 2013 to strengthen multidisciplinary collaboration on infectious disease both domestically and internationally .

    At 20th anniversary of ISAAR in 2017, APFID and KSID will co-host the first joint meeting of ISAAR and ICIC to provide a new insight into various issues on infectious diseases and AMR. ISAAR & ICIC 2017 will provide a variety of programs on important recent topics such as the current major issues in infectious diseases and AMR, new antibiotics and vaccines, infection control, and emerging infectious diseases. The joint meeting will expand the scope of programs and topics encompassing microbiology, clinical infectious diseases, epidemiology, genomic medicine, biotech development, and international policies and strategies to combat infectious disease threats. Many academic societies in the Asian region will join the meeting as supporting societies and pharmaceutical, diagnostics, and biotech companies will also be a part of the joint meeting.

    We hope you will be one of more than 2,000 participants from all over the world in ISAAR & ICIC Joint meeting in Korea’s second-largest city, Busan. Thank you very much.