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3rd World Cancer Congress 2019

  •   행사기간 2019-11-20 ~ 2019-11-21
  •   개최지 Mumbai, India
  •   홈페이지 https://worldcancercongress.in/
  •   초록마감 2019-03-27
  •   첨부파일
  • 3rd World Cancer Congress 2019
  • 874.jpg

    Arjyopa Healthcare and Raytheon Healthcare welcomes you to attend the 3rd World Cancer Congress - 2019 during November 20 - 21, 2019 at Mumbai, India. We cordially invite all the participants interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the arena of Oncology and Cancer Research.

    We expect thousands of worldwide cancer and health experts to converge to our capital city in September 2019, and take advantage of this major educational platform to further 'Strengthen. Inspire. Deliver’ the global cancer control momentum.

    From feedback received, the previous Congresses resulted in fruitful collaborations and rewarding experiences for the delegates who left the events with concrete tools and solutions that helped them enhance their work practice and impact. As hosts, we already feel very excited to create the same energetic and inspiring atmosphere during the Congress week in Mumbai, adding local flavors and new perspectives such as the role of complementary treatment in cancer to the programme.

    We are also hopeful that through the Congress our community in Asia will be able to increase awareness about the growing cancer burden that affects our region and strengthen its ties to further tackle the disease. Studies estimate that 8.1 million people in Asia will die of cancer by 2020 - 75% of which will be unable to face the huge medical care costs within their first year of diagnosis.

    Thus, the urgent need to mobilise our efforts, promote cancer advocacy more efficiently and develop effective national policies and plans for prevention, early detection, care and support.

    We look forward to the honor of welcoming you in Mumbai, India.