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Design, Art, Food and Fashion Summer School

  • Design, Art, Food and Fashion Summer School
  • 167.JPG

    DAFF is an interdisciplinary program about innovative approaches which integrate creativity with the principles of sustainability, with the aim to combine the preservation of the cultural and natural capital of communities with the economic competitiveness of territories in the global market.

    The program consists of lectures, hands-on experiences and field trips. It is mainly based in Milan metropolitan area but specific activities - designed also in collaboration with other entities located in other urban/rural areas in Italy – will take place also out of Milan and in other regions of Italy. Milan is known as the capital of Fashion and Design, a place where creativity and industrial development met and made the city famous worldwide but interestingly enough the city, located in middle of the fertile Pianura Padana, is also the second agricultural municipality in Italy and a leader in the agri-food industry. 

    The Milan Charter, which was signed during EXPO2015, set out the principles and objectives for World challenges in terms of healthy lifestyles and safe food production, environmental sustainability and social justice. Milan is certainly a complex and dynamic city, since decades cradle of avant-garde movements and considered the industrial, economic and financial engine of the country. Nowadays, it is strongly committed to developing pathways of sustainable urban and rural development in collaboration with research institutions, local organizations and citizens. 

    Indeed, in the last decades, the city has gone through dramatic changes which have been driven also by relevant regeneration processes encompassing entire areas and production activities.

    The program is articulated into two main module (each of two weeks) that will provide an extraordinary opportunity for students to have a direct experience of the complexity of the actors at play and the implications and challenges for territories and communities of contemporary societies.