




학회/학술 일정

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The 4th International Conference of Applied Science and Health

  •   행사기간 2019-07-23 ~ 2019-07-24
  •   개최지 Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
  •   주최 Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand (Indonesian Scholars' Alliance)
  •   홈페이지 http://icash.inschool.id
  •   초록마감 2019-04-25
  •   첨부파일
  • The 4th International Conference of Applied Science and Health
  • 435.JPG

    Health and well-being is a fundamental right of every human being. Governments of every nation responsible to provide facilities and supporting policies to enable people accessing healthcare services. As the Sustainable Development Goals have highlighted the commitment to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases by 2030 by putting good health and well-being as the indicator. 

    Acknowledging the role as the agent of change, Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand, internationally known as Indonesian Scholars’ Alliance (InSchooL), responses by providing a medium to share knowledge and experiences in the field of applied science and health. We invite experts, practitioners, professionals and students working in Asia and other regions to share their expertises, experiences, and views. Through this conference, the works can be reported as original research findings, best practices, review articles, and photo essays. 

    This year, lies in the philosophy of “Science for the mankind”, ICASH 2019 raises the efforts of the scholars in translating research results into policy and practices, for better society. It is included the findings and reviews of factors of illness, epidemiology, health promotion, health policy, nutrition, environmental health and safety, nursing and midwifery, and other sciences related to health development.

    The 4th International Conference on Applied Health and Science (ICASH) wishes to serve as a medium to share knowledge and experience among scholars, health practitioners and scientist in order to gain better understanding of the most crucial issues in Asia-Pacific region yet to provide evidence-based studies to direct the government and policy makers in designing strategic planning and health programs for the future growth and development of the regions. Not only government, individuals as community members are also responsible for their own health and well-being. We do believe that the success of this event will benefit the mankind, especially the governments and policy makers in designing strategic planning for the future growth and development of Asian countries.