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Home > 한의약융합데이터센터 > 근거중심한의약 DBTitle | Comparative effectiveness of East Asian traditional medicine for treatment of idiopathic short stature in children: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. |
Authors | Lee B, Kwon CY, Jang S. |
Journal | Integr Med Res. |
Year | 2022 |
Vol (Issue) | 11(2) |
Page | 100832. |
doi | 10.1016/j.imr.2022.100832. |
PMID | |
Url | |
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Keywords | East Asian traditional medicine; Idiopathic short stature; Network meta-analysis; Systematic review |
한글 키워드 | 동아시아 전통의학; 특발성 저신장; 네트워크 메타분석; 체계적 문헌고찰 |
KMCRIC Summary & Commentary |
Korean Study | |
Abstract | Background: Idiopathic short stature (ISS) is a common problem in children and causes many economic and social burdens. In Asian countries, East Asian traditional medicine (EATM) therapies are widely used for children with ISS. In this study, we compared and ranked various EATM therapies for the treatment of pediatric ISS using network meta-analysis. |
국문초록 | N |
Language | 영어 |
첨부파일 |