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The 9th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD 

  • The 9th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD 

  • Although there have been thousands of published articles on FASD, there still remains limited research specifically on adolescents and adults with FASD. As individuals diagnosed with FASD continue to age, the "need to know” across a broad spectrum of areas continues to be critically important for identifying clinically relevant research questions and directions.
    Continuing on the work of eight previous conferences, there remains a clear need to examine relevant global research, programs and policies. What can we learn from practice based evidence? What does existing or emerging research tell us? Are the results transferable from country to country and/or from laboratory to real life? Are there clinical implications of results from any of these areas of which we should be aware? What are the changes in our thinking, practice and directions that will be required to improve outcomes? What are the implications for the future? This interactive conference will provide an opportunity to be at the forefront of addressing these relevant global issues.