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20th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Medicine (ICPM)

  •   행사기간 2020-03-25 ~ 2020-03-27
  •   개최지 Rome, Italy
  •   주최 ICPM
  •   홈페이지 https://www.icpm2020.com/
  •   첨부파일
  • 20th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Medicine (ICPM)

  • IFAPP (the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine) and SIMeF (the Italian Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine) are proud to announce the forthcoming XX ICPM (International Conference on Pharmaceutical Medicine) and the I SIMeF National Conference, which are jointly organized in March 2020 in Rome.
    Please mark in your calendar the dates of March 25-26-27, 2020: we do hope to see many of you at the Conference Center of Sapienza University in Rome.
    The Conference title is “Patients Centered Medicines Development: Facts and Expectations”: in commenting this event, IFAPP President Dr. Kyoko Imamura said “ICPM has been the important opportunity of scientific update for us as professionals in pharmaceutical medicine and we are delighted to develop it in Rome, where decades long efforts have generated dedicated pharmaceutical physicians and medicines development scientists”.
    Dr. Marco Romano, SIMeF President and IFAPP President Elect added “I have the privilege and the pleasure to host both the XX ICPM and the I SIMeF Conference in Rome: it is a unique opportunity for my country and especially for my Italian colleagues who may meet international speakers and collaborators”.
    The International part of the Conference will cover the first two days, with 2 keynote speeches (CIOMS Secretary and Telethon Director), a round table of education in Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2 plenary sessions on the role of patients in drug development and the modern vision of Medical Affairs, and 8 parallel sessions during the two afternoons.
    The National part of the Conference will be held on the third day, March 27, and will have a morning session devoted to a round table on the status of clinical research in Italy. In the afternoon the General Assembly will take place, and then a session devoted to Medical Devices.
    The final program will be posted into this website, and distributed to all National Associations of Pharmaceutical Medicine, in the month of September.