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Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR)'s 2024 conference

  •   행사기간 2024-05-23 ~ 2024-05-25
  •   개최지 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  •   주최 Society for Acupuncture Research
  •   홈페이지
  •   첨부파일
  • Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR)'s 2024 conference
  • 2024f0038.jpg

    The SAR / RCMI PolyU 2024 conference presented a platform wherein researchers from various healthcare professionals and disciplines gathered to share, explore, and develop novel research hypotheses and strategies for acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The primary objective of this conference was to construct a robust bridge between the East and West, with the aim of advancing the

    scientific understanding and evidence-based clinical applications of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Our goal was to enhance patient outcomes and optimize health care delivery through this integration.

    We sought to build bridges between basic mechanisms and precision clinical medicine, as well as ancient wisdom (e.g. personalized therapies) and modern technology (e.g. Artificial Intelligence). This fusion will not only honor the rich heritage of TCM but also pave the way for its evolution in the modern health care landscape.

    The conference included FOUR main symposia presentations; TWO key note presentations; multiple member-initiated symposia; oral abstract presentations; poster abstract reception; and more.