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International Conference on Food Technology and Nutritional Science

  • International Conference on Food Technology and Nutritional Science
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    We cordially invites all the participants from all over the world to attend International Conference on Food Science, Technology & Nutritional Science will be held in Barcelona, Spain, during September 23-24, 2019. 

    Food Technology is the Combination of food science techniques, such as selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe, nutritious, and wholesome food. Food Tech-2019 will be a valuable and important platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of food research. Over the track of 2 days, internationally-renowned speakers will describe how their research journey have developed in response to contemporary challenges: inspirational and innovative lessons in food and Nutritional research with the theme of Recounting the latest innovations in Food Science, Technology and Nutritional Science. The scientific programme will focus on current advances in the Food and Nutrition research, production and use of probiotics and their role in maintaining health and preventing diseases. From the industry prospective, this food conference opportunity will allow your company, product, capability and brand to be uniquely and actively showcased at this high caliber, innovation driven international food forum. The attending experts and industry partners will also provide a fantastic networking experience. The Conference will bring together food laureates, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, academicians, chemists, scientists, dietitians, nutritionists, engineers, technologists from all over the world to debate on the latest scientific advances in the field of food science, technology and Nutritional Science that help to shape current and future challenges in food research. We hope that you will take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange and visit the city of Barcelona.